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Interning at Buttery 

My Ladder Internships certificate!
What biomedical datsets look like:
Sample data from the eyepacs dataset:

Buttery is a New York based technology company focused on developing a new kind of AI technology called distributed AI systems (DAIS) to provide trustworthy, transparent, and private AI features and value to the world. Founded by Jonathan Holland in 2021, Buttery's goal is to bring this new technology to the world through a unified platform called Honey. Although primarily a tech company, Buttery has a heavy focus on design and, therefore, strongly focuses on unique, intuitive, and innovate design and user experiences.

Buttery has been accepted into the Peachscore Accelerator Program in 2024. Furthermore, it has been mentioned in notable journals like Grit Daily and the Digital Journal. 

I became an intern at Buttery through the Ladder Internships program. After being interviewed in multiple rounds, I was accepted in this program and matched with Buttery. From October - December, I worked as a Junior Developer at Buttery.

At Buttery, I work on creating AI models that can be integrated with their system.

Most of these models are in the biomedical field - something I'm really passionate about.

Although I had done several courses on ML before, this internship taught me the importance of data analysis. I had to go through hundreds of available datasets, identify ones that are both reliable and feasible, perform extensive data analysis before building a model. My models also needed a lot of feature engineering - the size of the datasets I used was massive, so I couldn't afford to have any unnecessary data. Most of the datasets I used also needed a lot of reformatting, as the image sizes were not standard, they didn't have proper labels, there was missing data etc. I tried out roughly five to six types of models for each dataset, before deciding on one and tweaking it. 

Although my internship with Buttery through Ladder Internships was supposed to last three months, I have been offered a position to continue my work on the models. Since then, I have worked on converting these models, that I created initially using Python, to Swift. Converting to Swift will reduce the overhead Python brings, and will allow Buttery to integrate my models with their pre existing framework. 

We are also starting to use new hardware like the Nvidia Jetson, and the Turing Pi. These devices will reduce the complications using a normal laptop to run such huge models brings - limited System RAM, crashes, etc. Using these should allow us to make more complex models, without worrying about performance. 

Check out Buttery here:

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