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Swara Kadam


Currently Studying: 

BTECH CSE, with a specialisation in AI&DS, at the MIT World Peace University. Class of 2027.

Date of Birth:

December 8th, 2005

"Sometimes the best way to predict the future is to invent it yourself."

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A Bit About Me

I don’t believe in sticking to one path. Born in India, raised in California, and now back in India again, I’ve had the privilege of experiencing life from so many different perspectives. Of trying so many things, in so many different places, filling so many different roles.

Some days I’m a solo violinist, meticulously learning Mendelssohn note by note. Other times I’m a conductor, overseeing a jamming session at a studio, prepping a medley for a competition. I've been a singer, a guitarist, a violinist, and even just a fan at a concert.
I have been a traveler, touring the breathtaking mountains in the North of India; and I have been a local, guiding my visiting friends through the twists and turns of the California Bay. 

I’ve been a horseback rider, feeling the thrill of the open fields and the calm of the reins in my hands. A dog lover, always ready to stop everything for a wagging tail or a furry friend in need of attention.
I’ve designed everything from database management websites, to flyers for clubs. Cakes for birthdays, cards for family, and slide decks to teach third graders math.

I’ve spent countless hours in the library, buried in engineering textbooks, preparing for exams that test my limits and my focus. And I’ve spent countless hours under the shade of the trees in Central Park, buried in Tolkien and Austen and Tartt. I've written everything from project reports, short stories, journal entries, to research papers.

I’m an artist, whether it’s sketching in the quiet moments or designing intricate systems in robotics. I’ve spent countless hours perfecting machine learning models to predict medical outcomes, hoping to contribute to something bigger than myself. I’ve been an intern, learning from the best, putting my skills to the test, and growing with every challenge.  

But above all, I’m a student. A lifelong learner, constantly curious, always looking for a place to apply what I've learned, and never satisfied with the status quo.

I'm here to curate my life, not just live it.

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